Tennis prediction Chung vs Hussey |
Prediction (Chung vs Hussey): Chung H. AH +1,5 sets (1.54).
Prediction arguments: 1. Hyeon Chung had health problems in previous years, a back injury and an injury to his right hand. But now it looks like he wants to compete again, at a high level. 2. If we compare the players’ careers, we will see that Hyun Chung was much more successful in the past as a tennis player. I will note that Giles Hussey has never entered the Top-300 of the ATP rankings. On the other hand, Chung has won the “Next Gen Finals” tournament and was in the ATP Top-100 for several years in his career. Conclusion: I don’t think Chung will lose this match 2-0. (taking into account his tallent and previous results in ATP tournament)

ITF MEN SINGLES: M15 Bali 4, hard

ITF MEN SINGLES: M15 Antalya 21, clay