Prediction Jacquemot / Rouvroy vs Andreeva / Janicijevic |
Tennis prediction (Jacquemot / Rouvroy vs Andreeva / Janicijevic): Winner 2 (1.68).
Prediction arguments: If we analyze the individual careers of the players. Then we will find that the DUO of Andreeva plus Janicijevic is more experienced. But on the other hand, the DUO of Jacquemot + Rouvroy played more games together. Conclusion: My choice is to bet on the class of players, but you may have a different opinion. (let’s see if my arguments and deductions work this time)

CHALLENGER WOMEN DOUBLES: Limoges, hard (indoor)

ITF MEN SINGLES: M15 Antalya 19, clay

ITF MEN SINGLES: M15 Ceuta, hard