Tennis prediction Shevchenko vs Carreno-Busta |
Prediction (Shevchenko vs Carreno-Busta): Shevchenko AH +2 games (1.80).
Prediction arguments: 1. I don’t think Carreno Busta is a clear favorite in this match. He was partially absent in the 2023, 2024 seasons due to health issues and injuries. And judging by his last matches, he has lost the rhythm of the game and can lose matches to outsiders. 2. As for Shevchenko, he is not in the best shape this year either. And he recently got divorced. But I think this event in his life should only add motivation to him. 3. If this were a Grand Slam match, I would probably bet on the Spaniard, but at this tournament, I think the athlete from Kazakhstan should be more motivated.

ATP SINGLES: United Cup, hard

ATP SINGLES: United Cup, hard

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