Andreeva / Shnaider vs Birrell / Gadecki tennis prediction |
Prediction (Andreeva / Shnaider vs Birrell / Gadecki): Correct score 2-0 (1.68).
Why are Andreeva and Shnaider the big favorites?: 1. Last summer, Andreeva and Schneider reached the Olympic final. There, they lost to Errani and Paolini only in a tie-break with a score of ten to seven. 2. Two weeks ago here in Australia, DUO from Russia won the tournament in Brisbane. 3. Compared to DUO from Australia, the Russians have played more matches together, won a tournament together, and in individual rankings they occupy much higher positions. (Russians are in the WTA Top-20, Australians not even in the Top-100) Conclusion: A clean two-nil score could be quite possible, given the players’ experience at the moment. Especially since the Russian players have only just started playing together, and it seems that these good results they are showing now will only multiply.

WTA DOUBLES: Australian Open, hard