Tennis prediction Jimenez Kasintseva vs Jacquemot |
Prediction (Jimenez Kasintseva vs Jacquemot): Jimenez Kasintseva V. AH +3 games (1.70).
Prediction arguments: Both girls reached number one in the ITF junior rankings. Jimenez Kasintseva won the Australian Open Junior Championship in February 2020. And Jacquemot won the French Open Junior Championship in October 2020. Plus, they have similar ATP rankings now. For this reason, I will analyze how they have played in recent months. And in recent months I see that Victoria Jimenez Kasintseva is the player with more consistent results. By the way, this fall, she won an important ITF W75 title in Lisbon. Conclusion: I would say this game could be close, but I prefer to bet on Victoria with Asian Handicap +3 games. Due to her solid performance in Lisbon.

CHALLENGER WOMEN SINGLES: Angers, hard (indoor)