Tennis prediction Parrizas-Diaz vs Golubic |
Prediction (Parrizas-Diaz vs Golubic): Winner 2 (1.69).
Prediction arguments: 1. Golubic is in incredible form, winning all of her last 10 matches, while Parrizas-Diaz has lost 5 of her last 10 matches. 2. Over the years, Viktorija Golubic has had more successful years on the WTA Tour, compared to Nuria Parrizas-Diaz. 3. Nuria is a more versatile player, but Victoria prefers to play on hard courts. Conclusion: Maybe this match will not be very easy for the player from Switzerland. Considering that in the h2h matches the score is 1-1. But I still think that Viktorija has all the capabilities to win this match.

CHALLENGER WOMEN SINGLES: Limoges, hard (indoor)